A Mobile Phone Paragraph
(a) What is a mobile phone?
(b) How has science changed our life?
(c) Which mobile companies are remarkable in Bangladesh?
(d) For whom are mobile phones necessary?
(e) How can the criminals use the mobile phone?
Mobile phone is one of the latest versions of modern communication technology. The word ‘mobile’ implies that it is simple and portable. It is a small telephone that can be carried in the hand or pocket. The effective talking range of a person is only a few yards.
But with the help of mobile phone, he has increased its range to hundreds of miles. Isn’t it a miracle that one can talk to his friends or relatives hundreds of miles away by walking on the road or riding in a car? A person can travel to remote areas of the country and talk to his friends or relatives at home. And all this is done at a nominal cost.
There are many mobile companies in our country. Grameen, Robi, Bangla Link, Teletalk, Airtel and City Cell are notable. These companies are serving the customers, but their cost is still not within the range of the common man. Compared to other countries, we find that they are very expensive. Many world-class companies are now manufacturing mobile sets.
A mobile phone is very useful for important people like politicians, artists, doctors, businessmen and high-ranking officials. But like other gifts of science, it is not an unmixed blessing. Mobile phones are a useful tool and can be used for both good and bad. Police can use them to maintain law and order and identify criminals, and criminals can use them to commit crimes.

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